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Digital Transformation Guide

Download our Digital Transformation Guide e-book to discover our tips for ensuring a smooth and successful digital transformation journey.

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The E-Sign Buyer Guide

Discover the most important things to consider when looking for an eSignature provider, with our E-Signature Buyers Guide.

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Contract Templates

Business Contract Proposal Template Free

Business Contract Proposal

A free business contract proposal template provides a cost-effective and efficient way to draft professional proposals, saving time and ensuring clarity and consistency in your business agreements.

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Free Technical Services Consulting Agreement Template

Technical Services Consulting Agreement

Using a well-crafted template helps streamline the contract creation process, providing a solid foundation for successful and legally sound technical service engagements.

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Graphic Design Proposal

A graphic design proposal template is a professional document used by graphic designers to outline their services, project scope, pricing, and creative concepts when pitching their design services to potential clients.

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Model Agreement Tenancy

A model tenancy agreement proposal template is a standardised document that property owners or managers use to present terms and conditions for a potential rental agreement, making it clear and transparent to prospective tenants.

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Graphic Design Contract

The graphic design contract template provides a clear framework for defining project scope, timelines, and compensation terms, ensuring a smooth and professional collaboration between the designer and client.

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Accreditations & Awards

Crown Commerical Provider
Cyber Essentials Plus
ISO 9001 Quality Management
ISO 27001 Information Security Management
Information Commissioner's Office
2023 SME Committed Badge
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Reviews & Security

Capterra User Reviews
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