From signing content approvals, sending campaign proposal documents, or onboarding new employees, marketing departments stand to benefit significantly from using electronic signatures.
Work smarter with eSign.
By freeing up time spent on manual administrative tasks, your employees valuable time and can be spent on more important tasks such as creating effective marketing campaigns or analysing previous campaign data.
Save costs associated with printing, faxing, scanning, and posting with electronic signatures. By keeping your documents digital, you eliminate unnecessary costs which means more money can be spent on creating and implementing successful marketing campaigns.
Work better and more efficiently.
We understand that your marketing team will most likely use several applications to enable you to work better and more efficiently. This is why we have ensured that the eSign platform can be integrated into a range of different platforms.
From Microsoft Office, Google, HubSpot and Salesforce to Dropbox and Slack, our platform can be integrated into your existing applications to enable you to create a better employee and customer experience, optimising both time and cost efficiencies.
100% legally binding.
eSign’s digital signatures are 100% legally binding, indicating the signers intent to agree to the content of a document or a set of data to which the signature relates. Our electronic signatures are fully secure and compliant to multiple standards. We adopt a variety of high security protocols and operate under many ISO and government certifications, to ensure your data is always safe.
Our advanced eSignature capture technology means that all our digital signatures are 100% verifiable and backed by a unique digital certificate. We provide a full audit trail, incorporating key identifiers. eSign’s platform is secure via 256 SSL encryption.
Enhance customer satisfaction and increasing your brand reputation.
This study was carried out by the customer halfway through an agreement, as their current eSignature provider increased the costs significantly and they wanted to explore alternative providers.
It demonstrates that eSign is by far the most cost-effective digital signature provider, even after paying a “buy out” fee to the current provider.
Create bespoke workflows to suit your business with a range of application integrations.
Electronic signatures eliminate the need for printing, posting and manual processes, reducing costs associated with paper-based process.
Marketing documents can be signed and completed quickly, leading to faster turnaround times for projects and campaigns.
Our platform provides 256 SSL encryption and authentication features, ensuring the security and legality of your signatures.
Electronic signatures enable remote marketing teams to collaborate seamlessly without the need for physical presence.
Our platform offers advanced audit trails and tracking, which can be used for maintaining records and compliance.
Our platform is intuitive and user-friendly, making it easy for both marketing professionals and signatories to use.
Create, eSign, send, and track documents all from within our unified system to streamline your workflows.
Complete documents faster with secure and legally binding electronic signatures that can be applied from any device.
Learn MoreAllow customers to populate and sign documents on your website, app or via email. Collect the information you require in an interactive format.
Learn MoreEnable signers to identify witnesses without the need for them to be physically present with conveyancer-certified eWitnessing.
Learn MoreEnsure strong, uniformed branding across all your communications and send documents for eSignature with personalised emails.
Learn MoreEnhance the patient experience, save consultant time and standardise information delivery processes with an eConsent solution.
Learn MoreCustomise and extend the functionality of your apps to meet your unique business needs with eSign’s API.
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